Art of Nature Amanda Rose Hopkins (A. Rose)

Art of Nature Amanda Rose Hopkins (A. Rose)

Arts Administration - Illustration - Mixed - Other - Painting - Performance Art - Sculpture - Teacher/Instructor - Teaching Artist for Adults - Teaching Artist for Youth - Visual Arts - Environmental Art, Mural Painting and Decorative Painting, Faux Finish, Artisan Indoor Plants



   Santa Rosa, CA, 95401

Artist's Statement
Amanda Rose Hopkins
Art of Nature

Throughout my work I use various mediums to help people fall back in love with nature. My work also explores the complexities of human kind's relationship to the environment. Using the  visual language of color I create an emotional feel, which connects directly to the heart and mind. The use of bright sensual colors, occasional subdued hues, and earthy elements brings about a range of feeling tones. The series of sensual flower paintings are meant to wet the palette by exciting the visual senses with their extremely bright hues and complementary colors. The most subtle hues and purest feelings I encounter when in direct contact with nature. The intricate patterns, finely composed colors, and rounded shapes fuel a constant curiosity of the organic. Ecological elements are missing from this current linear realm humans have built from concrete and synthetic materials. Thus my intention is to bring an ecological aesthetic into "built space". My art strives to insert pieces of the earth herself into man-made settings. Recently my love of painting and landscaping has combined into mixed media paintings which use found moss, bark, and seaweed with sensuously colored oil paint, to create an explosion of the senses. These hands use sensual colors with an environmental aesthetic with the intention of exciting the senses to help them focus on the beauty and magic of nature.