Creative Sonoma

MISCELLANEOUS - Create CA 2022 Advocacy and Legislative Agenda

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MISCELLANEOUS - Create CA 2022 Advocacy and Legislative Agenda


The future of California depends on all students accessing a high-quality, well-rounded education that includes the arts. To ensure all students benefit from the visual and performing art's ability to develop 21st-century skills, social-emotional skills, and civic-mindedness, we must invest in our students, encourage civic engagement, and address the systemic inequities in public education.

Arts & Music in Schools - Funding Guarantee and Accountability ActCA Ballot Measure

Create CA supports equitable arts education investments. The proposed ballot measure will provide substantial new funding to every Pre-K-12 public school in California for visual and performing arts education without raising taxes. Schools serving low-income communities would receive even more funding, helping Black and Latino children who are most likely to lack access to arts education. School funding for the arts will increase by almost $900 million each year, and arts education programs in schools will grow by more than 50%.


Arts Education for All Act - Federal Legislation

Create CA supports research and clarity on how federal funds can be used for the arts. The bill includes provisions that further arts and arts education research, encourage the offering of arts education and programming experiences to Americans, including our youngest learners, K-12 students, and youth impacted by the juvenile justice system. The bill also supports professional development for K-12 educators and partnerships to increase arts education and creative youth development in afterschool and summer learning programs.


Visual and Performing Arts Standards Funding - AB 1718, Horvath

Create CA supports investments for the Visual and Performing Arts standards. This bill would allocate one-time funding to support K-12 standards-aligned instructional materials and professional development in visual and performing arts and world languages. In 2019, the State Board of Education adopted revised content standards in visual and performing arts and world languages. An investment is required to ensure California students and teachers access high-quality standards-aligned instruction and instructional materials. These subjects are critical to the success of our students and their college and career readiness. They are part of the graduation requirements and eligibility for admission to the University of California and the California State University.


Local Control Funding Formula Base Grant Increase - AB 1614, Muratsuchi

Create CA supports increased public education funding for all students. This bill would raise the base, supplemental, and concentration grant amounts in the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The LCFF is how the state allocates money to public schools; it gives school districtsflexibility in using their funds and provides additional funding for higher-need students. Every district will benefit from this measure; the base rates would increase by about $3.4 billion and the supplemental and concentration grant by roughly $750 million each. The intent is to bring California into the top ten states for K-12 per-pupil spending.


Local Control and Accountability Plans: Student Advisory Committee - SB 997, Pan

Create CA supports student voices as critical agents of educational change.The LCFF requires school districts to involve the community in developing Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAPs). An LCAP  describes a district’s goals, actions, services, and expendi-tures to support student outcomes. In addition, existing law requires the establishment of a parent advisory committee to provide advice to the governing board and the superintendent of the school district. This bill would require a school district serving middle school or high school pupils to either include at least two pupils as full members of the parent advisory committee to serve for a renewable term of one full school year or establish a student advisory committee.