Arts Education Advocacy Resources

Want to be an Arts Education Advocate? The great news is that there is tons of support and networks to help you advocate for arts education! Use these resources to advocate for arts education for every child!

5 Calls to Action for Arts Education Advocacy:

  1. Follow and engage with the Sonoma County Arts Education Alliance. What are YOUR interests, ideas, or questions? Complete this quick survey! 
  2. Create and practice your elevator pitch for access to arts education.
  3. Create a support team of other parents and community members to help you! Get the conversation started with the Advocacy Starter Toolkit.
  4. Become a solution partner by understanding your school district’s priorities and resources, and the place for arts education among them.
  5. Does your school and district have a strategic arts plan? Having a plan can ensure the best use of supplemental Prop 28 funding coming Fall 2023. Use the local tool Arts Education Framework.
  6. Find your school leaders, get involved by working with school leaders through school site and school board meetings. 


Start where you are! Whether taking your first steps in advocacy or are more advanced, any of these tips and resources can help you make an impact.